Thursday, January 31, 2008

Fiber arts block?

So, on my needles for the past 2 weeks has been my mom's scarf. I am working up super bulky yarn on #10 needles and it seems like it's going nowhere slowly. I also have some Illini hats to crochet, and if anyone who reads this notices my "To Do" and "completed" list, they will notice that in the last week, Rooster's Illini hat has gone from to do, to completed and back to the to do list. I tried to make it in just a few hours, and was really truly unhappy with how it turned out. Not to mention that because I was rushing myself, it ended up too small. I was feeling completely burned out on fiber arts. I live on instant gratification and if I can't see the fruits of my labor materialize in a few hours, I get disheartened. Also, I refuse to take that scarf to another wrestling meet, the people in our group are going to think that I just cart it around and don't work on it which of course, isn't true. At Senior Night last week, I knitted at least 20 rows in 2 hours, while watching wrestling and chit chatting.
Anyhoo...yesterday, I had to return some books to the library and a few of the books I had been waiting for were in: 101 Designer One Skein Wonders - it has some cute patterns, and I actually cast on for the "Not Your Average Washcloth" last night and finished it. I love it! After the library, I popped on over to "Half Price Books" I had never been there, they had an OK selection of knitting/ crochet books. I got the following books:
After Dark: Uncommon Knits for Night Time (Jil Eaton)for $3.00
Crochet Style (Shannon Okey) $9.98
Ultimate Knitters Guide (Kate Buller) $2.00
Cool Girls Guide to Crochet (Nicki Trench) $5.98

Then, I walked down the plaza to Tuesday Morning (kind of a last stop for discontinued household stuff) and found:
Cozy Crochet - Melissa Leapman $2.99
Better Homes & Gardens Hip Knits - $4.99 and when I walked around the corner, they had knitting needles - how odd! There were 3 packs bound together, 2 pair of #6 and a pair of #13 together (?) and then 2 packs bound together with circular needles (#6 & #8), each for $1.99.
Why not?
So, all in all, it was a good shopping day to refresh with. I came home and made a cat mat, a felted swatch and a neat washcloth (which I KNITTED!)

On a side note, I really enjoy knitting.

Happy Crafting!

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