(I must say, it covers up his hideously cauliflowered ears wonderfully! - LOL)
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Another blog??
Alright, this is officially my 3rd blog. I am trying really hard to find a niche in the blogging world, I have a myspace account (which is going to be disposed of shortly for personal reasons...) a livejournal (I am more loyal to that than anything else) and a Facebook...why the myspace and the facebook...I have no idea. Anyways...I have really been getting into my crocheting lately, I picked it up with the help of my dear BF Mike's mom. She was knitting scarves for a holiday craft drive and she asked if I knew how to knit. I told her that I was a crocheter and she said "Well, you'll probably get more use out of these than I will!" and gave me a set of hooks & invited me downstairs to check out her yarn stash. She had some great stuff - my favorite was the Red Heart Baby Teri...so soft! So, I crocheted some terrible scarves last year. My scarves looked like sick roadkill, and I could not figure out how to crochet in the round to make hats (what I really wanted to make!) so I got discouraged & set the hook and yarn to the side. Then, about 3 months ago, I was cleaning out my closet and moving my yarn to a better spot and the spark was ignited again. I figured out how to crochet in a tube shape, and formed my first hat. Then, I sat down with my mom (she showed me how to crochet when I was younger...I will recount that story another time) and she showed me how to double & triple crochet. I tell ya, my work moves alot faster with doubles! Of course, natural progression led me to bulk up my yarn stash and because I like clearance (my tip for clearance shopping: the best stuff is always on the floor, don't ask why because I don't know, it just is.) and I love coupons, I was hitting Michaels just about daily, mainly just to wander and touch things. I quickly discovered that I have mixed emotions for Red Heart acrylic yarn---> I swear I'm not a yarn snob, I believe that Red Heart has its place (like running along with a finer weight yarn, for example) but for hats....it's too scratchy, however, I love that you can really see your stitches - especially if you're learning a new stitch - I taught myself how to crochet in the round with that yarn (with the help of Debbie Stoller's Stitch & Bitch "Happy Hooker" book). I find that I really like bulky yarns, they work up quick & are oh so snuggly when crocheted into hats! My favorite is Wool Ease, but a fair (although acrylic) substitute is Bernat Softee Chunky or Yarn Bee Mosaic Twist. I have yet to venture into fun fur or eyelash yarn since they don't make very warm hats...LOL Another yarn that I dig is Paton's SWS (yes, yes...to anyone who is reading this and has already graduated from your basic craft store yarn selection, I apologize! I'll get there!) A month or so ago, I did discover that there are stores that sell yarn exclusively, mainly for knitters but I hoped they wouldn't see me schlepp in with my crocheted hat and send me packing! So, I will close this first post with a picture of my most recent project: A hat made exclusively for my nephew who signed on with the University of Illinois with a full ride wrestling scholarship - way to go, Jordan!
(I must say, it covers up his hideously cauliflowered ears wonderfully! - LOL)

(I must say, it covers up his hideously cauliflowered ears wonderfully! - LOL)
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