Thursday, February 14, 2008


OK, I don't want to alarm anyone, but it appears that I am magnetic.

For further explanation, let me tell you that #1 - I am not crazy, nor do I wear tin foil hats to protect me from "The Saucer People" #2 - Hopefully you can see the scar on which the magnet sits.
Almost 2 years ago, I was in a car accident that occurred at such force that my seatbelt broke my collarbone. I was informed that the break would heal itself, well, it didn't and I ended up having surgery to fix it. They added about $10K worth of hardware, now I'm a cyborg!
I wondered about setting off metal detectors and my doctor assured me that the metal used is titanium (I'm 5% titanium!) which does not set the detectors off. Alrighty then.
Just moments ago, I was getting some tea to drink and a magnet fell off the fridge, I bent over to pick it up and thought: "I wonder if it will pull to my metal?" so, I tried it and low and behold - I could feel some definite magnetic pull.
The good news is: now you can hang your kids' artwork on me!

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