Well, I've officially made it through my second day back to work!!!
It's the first time in a long time that I've actually been excited to go to work.
Upon completion of my training, I will be doing inbound call center for a benefits administration company. The commute is only about 3 minutes from where I used to work, and I will be working with people I already know from my circle o' friends, so that's exciting!
The pay is the same as what I used to make.
Oddly enough, I will be working in the same town, doing the same job (call center) for the same $.
Easy Peasy, Lemon-Squeezy!
I'm exhausted from the change in my sleeping patterns, I'm trying to overcome my nocturnal leanings. On Sunday night, I went to bed at 10pm - and I never fell asleep. So I just went to my first day of work looking like I was coming down from crack or something. All jittery and chatty (and for those of you who know me, I'm already chatty!) I got home, ate dinner at fell asleep at 7pm - then I woke up, all bright eyed and bushy tailed - at 3 AM! I tried to fall back asleep, but finally relented and cleaned the kitchen, made coffee, made breakfast, surfed Ravelry and at 6am I got in the shower. Needless to say, by 2 pm today, I was fading.
This week, I am working on getting my internal clock back to normal, working person hours - so I may not post too much - but bear with me - the funny will be back, I assure you.
Happy Whatever-ing!
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Monday, February 18, 2008
You should have seen it...
As you can tell from the picture...it was a GREAT WEEKEND!!!
We left for Champaign at 4:30a on Saturday morning and arrived at 7am.
We found a parking spot, bought our tickets and headed in to Assembly Hall.
The wrestlers were all down on the mat, and I found Jordan, laying on his belly getting a massage from his awesome coach, Bret Wojcik.
We joined Grandma & Papa Blanton in section C4, for the moment, we were the only 4 "Blanton Boosters" but soon enough, the section would be filled (and overlapping into sections C3 & C5!) with family, friends and well wishers.

We were loud, proud and very orange when Jordan and Spangler stepped out to the mat.
We screamed! We clapped! We wolf whistled! We chanted "Jordan, Jordan!"
We weren't alone.
The atmosphere was undoubtedly ELECTRIC.
It sounded like everyone was cheering for Jordan Blanton.
It got so loud, I thought the roof was going to blow off.
The match was gut wrenching, watching Spangler score, then relief when Jordan started racking up the points.
The cheering got louder (as if that was even possible!)
Then it was over.
Jordan did it, he beat Chris Spangler of Neuqua Valley 10-8.
Every orange clad Blanton Booster was reduced to tears. Tears of joy and pride, tears of relief!
We hugged, we cried some more. It was the best cry I've ever had.
When Jordan came up from the floor, he got a much deserved standing ovation...not just from us - from nearly the entire crowd at Assembly Hall. He zigged and zagged through the crowd and when he got up to us, there were hugs for everyone.
Over 100 of us, and Jordan gave hugs to everyone. He even signed some autographs (how cool is that??!!)
This had been the match that people were comparing to last year's final against Benefiel, saying there was a slim chance that Jordan would beat Spangler. Well, I'm going to say that hard work, determination and an utter devotion to winning this match is what made Jordan #1.
After we all regained our composure, we headed over to Eastland Suites for a much needed lunch and (of course!) a couple beers ; )
Our reception room was packed, buzzing with "Can you effing believe it?!" everyone was in awe, we logged on to Illinoismatmen.com to read the comments on the match, people were saying it was the greatest match they've ever seen. I agree whole-heartedly.
Mike and I went back to our hotel room and took a much needed nap before we had to return to the finals, and have our guts turned inside out one more time when Jordan stepped out onto the mat to wrestle his final match as a high school student against Carl Foreside of Montini.
Our group of fans had grown exponentially since lunch time, and we were officially overlapping into other sections.
We sat on the edge of our seats once again as the Championship Finals began, and Jordan took the mat with Foreside.
We were not disappointed with Jordan's performance, and for the 3rd and last time in his high school career - Jordan was number one in the state.
He beat Foreside 10-8.
There are no words to explain how proud I am to be Jordan's aunt.
As a wrestler and as a man, Jordan is number one.
You can read the newspaper article here.
Still buzzing with Blanton-win-itis...
Aunt Jenn
We found a parking spot, bought our tickets and headed in to Assembly Hall.
The wrestlers were all down on the mat, and I found Jordan, laying on his belly getting a massage from his awesome coach, Bret Wojcik.
We joined Grandma & Papa Blanton in section C4, for the moment, we were the only 4 "Blanton Boosters" but soon enough, the section would be filled (and overlapping into sections C3 & C5!) with family, friends and well wishers.

We were loud, proud and very orange when Jordan and Spangler stepped out to the mat.
We screamed! We clapped! We wolf whistled! We chanted "Jordan, Jordan!"
We weren't alone.
The atmosphere was undoubtedly ELECTRIC.
It sounded like everyone was cheering for Jordan Blanton.
It got so loud, I thought the roof was going to blow off.
The match was gut wrenching, watching Spangler score, then relief when Jordan started racking up the points.
The cheering got louder (as if that was even possible!)
Then it was over.
Jordan did it, he beat Chris Spangler of Neuqua Valley 10-8.
Every orange clad Blanton Booster was reduced to tears. Tears of joy and pride, tears of relief!
We hugged, we cried some more. It was the best cry I've ever had.
When Jordan came up from the floor, he got a much deserved standing ovation...not just from us - from nearly the entire crowd at Assembly Hall. He zigged and zagged through the crowd and when he got up to us, there were hugs for everyone.
Over 100 of us, and Jordan gave hugs to everyone. He even signed some autographs (how cool is that??!!)
This had been the match that people were comparing to last year's final against Benefiel, saying there was a slim chance that Jordan would beat Spangler. Well, I'm going to say that hard work, determination and an utter devotion to winning this match is what made Jordan #1.
After we all regained our composure, we headed over to Eastland Suites for a much needed lunch and (of course!) a couple beers ; )
Our reception room was packed, buzzing with "Can you effing believe it?!" everyone was in awe, we logged on to Illinoismatmen.com to read the comments on the match, people were saying it was the greatest match they've ever seen. I agree whole-heartedly.
Mike and I went back to our hotel room and took a much needed nap before we had to return to the finals, and have our guts turned inside out one more time when Jordan stepped out onto the mat to wrestle his final match as a high school student against Carl Foreside of Montini.
Our group of fans had grown exponentially since lunch time, and we were officially overlapping into other sections.
We sat on the edge of our seats once again as the Championship Finals began, and Jordan took the mat with Foreside.
We were not disappointed with Jordan's performance, and for the 3rd and last time in his high school career - Jordan was number one in the state.
He beat Foreside 10-8.
There are no words to explain how proud I am to be Jordan's aunt.
As a wrestler and as a man, Jordan is number one.
You can read the newspaper article here.
Still buzzing with Blanton-win-itis...
Aunt Jenn
Friday, February 15, 2008
On our way...
We are currently T minus 3.5 hours from our departure time, on our way to Champaign for the IHSA Boys Individual State Wrestling Finals.
As it currently stands:
Jordan had a bye for the first round, since he took 1st in Regionals.
2nd round - vs Barbour was a 7-4 win
3rd round - vs Hanner was a tech fall (19-4) win
Tomorrow he will meet Spangler in the semi's - this kid is intimidating.
Last season, he wrestled at 119# - this year, he's at 171#.
Quite a gain! There is some speculation about steroid use and talk of excessive acne, but who knows, it is just speculation.
My fingers are crossed and my prayers have been said.
Keep your fingers crossed for a good, clean match this morning!
Enjoy your weekend, I will be back on Sunday night!
As it currently stands:
Jordan had a bye for the first round, since he took 1st in Regionals.
2nd round - vs Barbour was a 7-4 win
3rd round - vs Hanner was a tech fall (19-4) win
Tomorrow he will meet Spangler in the semi's - this kid is intimidating.
Last season, he wrestled at 119# - this year, he's at 171#.
Quite a gain! There is some speculation about steroid use and talk of excessive acne, but who knows, it is just speculation.
My fingers are crossed and my prayers have been said.
Keep your fingers crossed for a good, clean match this morning!
Enjoy your weekend, I will be back on Sunday night!
I never thought I would say this but...
...I think I am sick of making hats.
It's terrible, I know. That was the one thing I aspired to master, and let me tell you - I could crochet Laura Killoran's Boy Beanie in my sleep. For every hat I make, I get asked to make 3 more. So far, I have made these hats for:
I still have 3 more to do by Finals on Saturday.
One takes about 4 hours!
I just have to tell Mike that I cannot move from the couch until I finish them all : )
Back to the hats...
It's terrible, I know. That was the one thing I aspired to master, and let me tell you - I could crochet Laura Killoran's Boy Beanie in my sleep. For every hat I make, I get asked to make 3 more. So far, I have made these hats for:
I still have 3 more to do by Finals on Saturday.
One takes about 4 hours!
I just have to tell Mike that I cannot move from the couch until I finish them all : )
Back to the hats...
Thursday, February 14, 2008
OK, I don't want to alarm anyone, but it appears that I am magnetic.

For further explanation, let me tell you that #1 - I am not crazy, nor do I wear tin foil hats to protect me from "The Saucer People" #2 - Hopefully you can see the scar on which the magnet sits.
Almost 2 years ago, I was in a car accident that occurred at such force that my seatbelt broke my collarbone. I was informed that the break would heal itself, well, it didn't and I ended up having surgery to fix it. They added about $10K worth of hardware, now I'm a cyborg!
I wondered about setting off metal detectors and my doctor assured me that the metal used is titanium (I'm 5% titanium!) which does not set the detectors off. Alrighty then.
Just moments ago, I was getting some tea to drink and a magnet fell off the fridge, I bent over to pick it up and thought: "I wonder if it will pull to my metal?" so, I tried it and low and behold - I could feel some definite magnetic pull.
The good news is: now you can hang your kids' artwork on me!
For further explanation, let me tell you that #1 - I am not crazy, nor do I wear tin foil hats to protect me from "The Saucer People" #2 - Hopefully you can see the scar on which the magnet sits.
Almost 2 years ago, I was in a car accident that occurred at such force that my seatbelt broke my collarbone. I was informed that the break would heal itself, well, it didn't and I ended up having surgery to fix it. They added about $10K worth of hardware, now I'm a cyborg!
I wondered about setting off metal detectors and my doctor assured me that the metal used is titanium (I'm 5% titanium!) which does not set the detectors off. Alrighty then.
Just moments ago, I was getting some tea to drink and a magnet fell off the fridge, I bent over to pick it up and thought: "I wonder if it will pull to my metal?" so, I tried it and low and behold - I could feel some definite magnetic pull.
The good news is: now you can hang your kids' artwork on me!
Monday, February 11, 2008
Soy, Soy Good!
I'd like to take a blog to pimp my girl, Lori Jean and her deliciously scented soy candles!
All her candles are made of soy, so they burn clean! Woot!
She makes all the candles by hand, they are not made somewhere by highly skilled Chinese babies and then resold. She makes them! With her own two hands!
Previously, I was a Yankee Candle kinda gal, but I have to say that Lori's candles put them to shame - to shame!
You can pop on over to her site here: Lori Jean's and order up some yummy candles!
Here is a blurb from her site touting the upside to choosing soy candles over paraffin (petroleum based) candles:
Our candles are handmade with only the finest soy, and top of the line cotton wicks. These candles are, among other things, environmentally safe, non-toxic, and non-carcinogenic, unlike most household paraffin (petroleum) candles. Soy candles not only burn cleaner but also happen to be 90% SOOT free. The containers are easily cleaned after the candle-life with soap and water, to be reused. Since the soy candles burn cooler than the normal paraffin candles, they burn longer and hold more scent, not to mention that they burn down ALL the soy. By enjoying soy candles in your household we are helping farmers across the nation and making a healthier choice.
Happy Candling?
All her candles are made of soy, so they burn clean! Woot!
She makes all the candles by hand, they are not made somewhere by highly skilled Chinese babies and then resold. She makes them! With her own two hands!
Previously, I was a Yankee Candle kinda gal, but I have to say that Lori's candles put them to shame - to shame!
You can pop on over to her site here: Lori Jean's and order up some yummy candles!
Here is a blurb from her site touting the upside to choosing soy candles over paraffin (petroleum based) candles:
Our candles are handmade with only the finest soy, and top of the line cotton wicks. These candles are, among other things, environmentally safe, non-toxic, and non-carcinogenic, unlike most household paraffin (petroleum) candles. Soy candles not only burn cleaner but also happen to be 90% SOOT free. The containers are easily cleaned after the candle-life with soap and water, to be reused. Since the soy candles burn cooler than the normal paraffin candles, they burn longer and hold more scent, not to mention that they burn down ALL the soy. By enjoying soy candles in your household we are helping farmers across the nation and making a healthier choice.
Happy Candling?
In case you all didn't know, IKWF (Illinois Kids Wrestling Federation) and IHSA (Illinois High School Association) wrestling is a BIG DEAL for me and my entire family.
Currently my nephew, Jordan, is ranked #5 in the nation in his weight class (171) and has over 100 wins under his belt and only 1 loss (to reknowned wrestler Mike Benefiel during last year's IHSA state finals)
My nephew, Jack, who is in his last year of IKWF wrestling (with the Richmond Wrestling Club)and will become a Rocket Wrestler as a freshman next year. He won 1st place in the IKWF state championship in 2005 & 2007, and third in 2004. He is having an awesome season, and today was no exception - he won all 5 matches at the CLW Vermillion Open in Crystal Lake, IL!
Wrestling is TRADITION!
We are now coming to a close on the 2007-08 IHSA season and are on the road to the State Finals in Champaign, IL.
IHSA State Finals are held in "The Space Ship" - Assembly Hall.
This is our 4th year taking that long trip, sitting on the edge of our seats, watching some of the most brilliant young men in the state vie for the title of STATE CHAMP!
We've been very lucky to bring that title home with us two times @ 152 & 160# (courtesy of Jordan, of course!) and we are hoping & praying for Jordan to bring it home one last time before he starts his collegiate career at the University of Illinois (Go Illini!)
If you'd like to see how Jordan reacts to his local celeb status, read this and you will agree with what his grandparents have been saying for years: He's a good boy! - lol!
So, keep these wrestlers in your thoughts and prayers!
Happy Fibering!
Currently my nephew, Jordan, is ranked #5 in the nation in his weight class (171) and has over 100 wins under his belt and only 1 loss (to reknowned wrestler Mike Benefiel during last year's IHSA state finals)
My nephew, Jack, who is in his last year of IKWF wrestling (with the Richmond Wrestling Club)and will become a Rocket Wrestler as a freshman next year. He won 1st place in the IKWF state championship in 2005 & 2007, and third in 2004. He is having an awesome season, and today was no exception - he won all 5 matches at the CLW Vermillion Open in Crystal Lake, IL!
Wrestling is TRADITION!
We are now coming to a close on the 2007-08 IHSA season and are on the road to the State Finals in Champaign, IL.
IHSA State Finals are held in "The Space Ship" - Assembly Hall.
This is our 4th year taking that long trip, sitting on the edge of our seats, watching some of the most brilliant young men in the state vie for the title of STATE CHAMP!
We've been very lucky to bring that title home with us two times @ 152 & 160# (courtesy of Jordan, of course!) and we are hoping & praying for Jordan to bring it home one last time before he starts his collegiate career at the University of Illinois (Go Illini!)
If you'd like to see how Jordan reacts to his local celeb status, read this and you will agree with what his grandparents have been saying for years: He's a good boy! - lol!
So, keep these wrestlers in your thoughts and prayers!
Happy Fibering!
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Tonight was such a great night!
On a whim, Mike said "Let's go out!" - we've been trying to save money by being homebodies since I am currently generating zero income.
He whisked me out to dinner at PF Chang's in Northbrook (really nice Asian cuisine!) and we had a delicious dinner, then we went over to the mall (Northbrook Court - anyone who's seen 'Mean Girls' - the mall scenes were filmed there!) It's a swanky kind of mall (they have a Louis Vuitton store, and a Coach store...) they also have a store called "Teavana" - a few years ago, my bro-in-law went there and got the best loose leaf tea called "Night, Night" and gave me a sample that was to die for.

Until this very evening, I was not aware that Teavana had a location other than in Watertower Place in Chicago. So, Mike and I wandered in and I said that I had to get some of that tea!
Now, I was raised with the notion of "If you have to ask the price, you can't afford it!" and I noticed that there were no posted prices on this swanky tea. I didn't think too much about it, it's tea. It sure as hell isn't a Louis Vuitton handbag. As we meandered to the front of the line, the tea barista (TeaRista?) starts in with the pitch by displaying a medium sized tin, and telling us that for $7 dollars, I could get this re-usable tin, and each time I refilled this tin, I would get a 10% discount. $7! Such a deal! Now, maybe it was my naivete (sp?) but I'd like to think it was the Mai Tai and the Kirin Ichiban beer I had with dinner that made me believe that this tin, filled with tea was going to be $7. Sadly, it was just the tin that cost $7 - the tea was $6 per 2 oz - 9 ounces fit in this tin. I'll give you a moment to do the math...yes the tea itself cost $27. Add the lovely tin - you got it - $34. I stammered, feeling my buzz wear off and trying to not look like a jackass and say...uhm, how's about you take 3/4 of that magic tea out of the tin and let's check the price on that. Mike busts out his card and says "That's fine." with a smile on his face.
He bought me $34 dollars worth of tea : )
*Note to self...time to take Mike along while yarn shopping...
The rest of the night was filled with jokes about protecting the tea - going to the bank tomorrow to put it in a safety deposit box, telling our landlord that we can't make rent because we bought expensive tea. When we got home, I was reading the booklet that came with the tea (THAT HAD THE PRICES IN IT!) and Mike asked what I was doing, I replied, "reading up on our investment". The good news is that it is indeed great tea and you can steep the same serving 3 times.
Off to enjoy the tea : )
On a whim, Mike said "Let's go out!" - we've been trying to save money by being homebodies since I am currently generating zero income.
He whisked me out to dinner at PF Chang's in Northbrook (really nice Asian cuisine!) and we had a delicious dinner, then we went over to the mall (Northbrook Court - anyone who's seen 'Mean Girls' - the mall scenes were filmed there!) It's a swanky kind of mall (they have a Louis Vuitton store, and a Coach store...) they also have a store called "Teavana" - a few years ago, my bro-in-law went there and got the best loose leaf tea called "Night, Night" and gave me a sample that was to die for.
Until this very evening, I was not aware that Teavana had a location other than in Watertower Place in Chicago. So, Mike and I wandered in and I said that I had to get some of that tea!
Now, I was raised with the notion of "If you have to ask the price, you can't afford it!" and I noticed that there were no posted prices on this swanky tea. I didn't think too much about it, it's tea. It sure as hell isn't a Louis Vuitton handbag. As we meandered to the front of the line, the tea barista (TeaRista?) starts in with the pitch by displaying a medium sized tin, and telling us that for $7 dollars, I could get this re-usable tin, and each time I refilled this tin, I would get a 10% discount. $7! Such a deal! Now, maybe it was my naivete (sp?) but I'd like to think it was the Mai Tai and the Kirin Ichiban beer I had with dinner that made me believe that this tin, filled with tea was going to be $7. Sadly, it was just the tin that cost $7 - the tea was $6 per 2 oz - 9 ounces fit in this tin. I'll give you a moment to do the math...yes the tea itself cost $27. Add the lovely tin - you got it - $34. I stammered, feeling my buzz wear off and trying to not look like a jackass and say...uhm, how's about you take 3/4 of that magic tea out of the tin and let's check the price on that. Mike busts out his card and says "That's fine." with a smile on his face.
He bought me $34 dollars worth of tea : )
*Note to self...time to take Mike along while yarn shopping...
The rest of the night was filled with jokes about protecting the tea - going to the bank tomorrow to put it in a safety deposit box, telling our landlord that we can't make rent because we bought expensive tea. When we got home, I was reading the booklet that came with the tea (THAT HAD THE PRICES IN IT!) and Mike asked what I was doing, I replied, "reading up on our investment". The good news is that it is indeed great tea and you can steep the same serving 3 times.
Off to enjoy the tea : )
Thursday, February 7, 2008
But what can I do?
The recent loss of a friend's baby has really gotten me thinking about knitting/ crocheting for charity, which led me to the internet to see what can I do for my fellow man?
I am still a beginner, so I am not able to knit or crochet garments. What I can do is make baby hats. Unfortunately, many of the sites I've visited say they are stocked up on tiny hats and that they need other things. One site I found takes donations of your wedding gown and uses the fabric to make burial garments, line infant caskets and memory boxes provided to mourning families.
Since I am divorced, I still have my gown (and trust me, there's ALOT of material...LOL) and considered throwing it away, as I have no daughter to pass it on to. My mom said not to throw it away, but I didn't want to bring it into the home I share with my boyfriend, so she has it at her house.
My only apprehension to donating the dress is that it will not be used for charitable purposes, or that the garments made from the materials will be sold, rather than donated to families who are grieving. Does anyone have any suggestions?
**After patrolling the internet to find organizations that take donations of wedding dresses to sell for charity funding, I find that my dress does not qualify. They only take dresses that are 3 years old or newer (I got married in 2000) . Which makes sense, just because you're a bride in need doesn't mean you're going to wear a hideous, out of fashion dress. So, I believe I will send my dress to Heavenly Angels in Need for re-purposing into burial garments. I suppose that even if the garment is sold, its profits will compensate the seamstress's/ tailors for their skill in making something that no parent ever wants to have to think about purchasing for their new baby.
The dress weighs about 15#...that's gonna be costly to ship, but at least it will be getting some use, instead of crammed into storage.
I am still a beginner, so I am not able to knit or crochet garments. What I can do is make baby hats. Unfortunately, many of the sites I've visited say they are stocked up on tiny hats and that they need other things. One site I found takes donations of your wedding gown and uses the fabric to make burial garments, line infant caskets and memory boxes provided to mourning families.
Since I am divorced, I still have my gown (and trust me, there's ALOT of material...LOL) and considered throwing it away, as I have no daughter to pass it on to. My mom said not to throw it away, but I didn't want to bring it into the home I share with my boyfriend, so she has it at her house.
My only apprehension to donating the dress is that it will not be used for charitable purposes, or that the garments made from the materials will be sold, rather than donated to families who are grieving. Does anyone have any suggestions?
**After patrolling the internet to find organizations that take donations of wedding dresses to sell for charity funding, I find that my dress does not qualify. They only take dresses that are 3 years old or newer (I got married in 2000) . Which makes sense, just because you're a bride in need doesn't mean you're going to wear a hideous, out of fashion dress. So, I believe I will send my dress to Heavenly Angels in Need for re-purposing into burial garments. I suppose that even if the garment is sold, its profits will compensate the seamstress's/ tailors for their skill in making something that no parent ever wants to have to think about purchasing for their new baby.
The dress weighs about 15#...that's gonna be costly to ship, but at least it will be getting some use, instead of crammed into storage.
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Like Gangbusters!
Holy Moly!
I sat down this evening and decided that I will finish my mom's scarf...and I totally did!
I was on a roll, so I crocheted Rooster's Illini hat (turned out much better than the first time...apparently, I was missing a step!) Why stop there? I cranked out Zech's Illini hat (with earflaps).
Three WIPs turned FOs in one night!
...damn! I'm good!
I sat down this evening and decided that I will finish my mom's scarf...and I totally did!
I was on a roll, so I crocheted Rooster's Illini hat (turned out much better than the first time...apparently, I was missing a step!) Why stop there? I cranked out Zech's Illini hat (with earflaps).
Three WIPs turned FOs in one night!
...damn! I'm good!
Monday, February 4, 2008
Ideas! Yarn!
Well, I decided that I love designing patterns for dishcloths. I have graphed some out by hand and using www.microrevolt.org, which generates graphs from pictures that you upload. I have several patterns graphed out and I just need to write the instructions. While designing these, I realized that I had some cotton, but not all the cotton. This generated a visit to Hobby Lobby and Wal Mart. I got some basic colors and some neat greens and blues. I am in love with the color combo of chocolate brown and aqua - My bedroom has those colors, 2 whole walls are chocolate brown, so I bought some cotton in those colors. To my dismay, my yarn stash is overflowing so I had to reorganize it to fit my new cotton. We have a coffee table that is actually a cedar lined trunk with a lid that lifts up..

We call it Narnia, and previously, that's where we hid Quint's squeaky toys when he gets too annoying with them (is that mean?) He knows they're in there, too. He smooshes his face to the opening and sniffs really hard.
(Seeing the picture online reminds me of how much I love our coffee/ end table set ::smile::)
Also, I found a cheap acrylic yarn at Hobby Lobby that is way softer than Red Heart Super Saver (and cheaper) and less shiny/ slippery than Caron Super Soft. It's called "I Love This Yarn" (of course!)
I would like to make some of my dishcloth patterns out of this yarn and make a blanket out of it, because it is so soft and nice to knit/ crochet with. (That's a tall order, though...I haven't picked up the Baby Turtle blanket in weeks...)
I made myself an "ABSOLUTELY MUST DO!" list today for the projects I've been putting off, since time is really running out. You can see it to the right (if you'd like).
Well, off to get dinner started!
Happy Fibering (?)
We call it Narnia, and previously, that's where we hid Quint's squeaky toys when he gets too annoying with them (is that mean?) He knows they're in there, too. He smooshes his face to the opening and sniffs really hard.
(Seeing the picture online reminds me of how much I love our coffee/ end table set ::smile::)
Also, I found a cheap acrylic yarn at Hobby Lobby that is way softer than Red Heart Super Saver (and cheaper) and less shiny/ slippery than Caron Super Soft. It's called "I Love This Yarn" (of course!)
I would like to make some of my dishcloth patterns out of this yarn and make a blanket out of it, because it is so soft and nice to knit/ crochet with. (That's a tall order, though...I haven't picked up the Baby Turtle blanket in weeks...)
I made myself an "ABSOLUTELY MUST DO!" list today for the projects I've been putting off, since time is really running out. You can see it to the right (if you'd like).
Well, off to get dinner started!
Happy Fibering (?)
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