Where I write about knitting, yarn and whatever comes to mind.
Which, while very very funny is also very, very painful. (Sorry you fell, John)
I have decided that I am scared of Cookie A's book "Sock Innovation", it has become quite clear that I am not nearly as proficient in sock knitting as I thought I was. Another reason is that I don't like reading charts. I like words. I am remedial, clearly.
I also discovered that I love beets. Sliced beets, shredded beets and especially pickled beets. I have also found that beets are nature's drano and the end result is purple.
Over the weekend, I tried alcohol infused whipped cream. It was caramel flavored and was unanimously decided that it tastes burny, then like maple syrup.
*Things I am digging -
I have rekindled my love affair with tea, and am currently sipping Stash Lemon Ginger tea - because my tumbly has a rumbly :(
Google Calendars - I can update information, and Kosta can log in and see it! Hooray for organization!
*What I’m Working On –
Your Princess Is In Another Castle...continues to be on the needles... I imagine it will be the cornerstone of this blog.
*Finished Objects –
Not a very productive week. I am currently wrestling with trying to find a suitable sock pattern for Kosta. Not too femmy for him, not boring for me. The search continues.
I have been trying to do some stashbusting, but since I am at an impasse on the Hubby socks, I don't want to cast anything else on just yet.
Today marks the end of the most dreadful time of year at work - Peak Season. We were served champagne & chocolate and all was well.
I attempted to cook venison this past weekend, and because of this - I can no longer eat venison. I was assured by many that my creation was good, I maintain that it smelled like dog shit. This is much to my dismay because I used to really like venison until I handled it thawed and raw. Ugh, I could seriously start dry heaving right now at the thought...MOVING ON!
This being Valentine's Day Weekend, the hubby and I are going to have dinner at Texas De Brazil and an overnight stay at The Westin - two of our favorite respites.
The Westin's toiletries are second only to W Hotel toiletries - Bliss Lemon+Sage
After looking up what the Bliss toiletries cost, I am sad that I didn't rob the maid's cart in the hallway for more :(
Don't fret, I am not a hotel toiletry snob - I also adore the shampoo and conditioner at the Comfort Suites in Cedar Falls, IA.
1 - In honor of Valentine's Day, My amazing husband gets is the first mention. My life is better now that he is in it.
2 - My 4th generation iPod Touch. It completes me. It never ceases to amaze me and have yet to find fault in it. It was my Christmas present from the aforementioned amazing husband. Some women want to have diamonds lavished upon them, I just want high tech gadgets. Although, the iPod Touch is just as expensive :D
What I’m Working On:
On the needles this week:
*Bougie Wino - a quick, knitted wine cozy for a dinner @ The HoyFloyds tomorrow night. I used the pattern: Vino Bello by Merin McManus Collins. I am using Red Heart Eco-Ways Bamboo Wool in the Twilight colorway.
-The Red Heart Eco-Ways Bamboo Wool yarn is really smooth and I like the way it knits up, but it seems a little splitty. I find that is common among bamboo yarn. At least in my experience.
*Your Princess Is In Another Castle... - This is a long-term, on going project. Click the link for more details.
Finished Objects:
*Baby socks for a co-worker's baby-to-be - this is the Loopy's Red Sock Kit, modified slightly by going up a needle size to make it a newborn sized sock. I used about 15 grams of leftover Claudia Handpainted sock yarn in the colorway "Sharks!"
The Vino Bello can also be added to the finished object catagory, it was gifted to our gracious hosts last Saturday night.
-I seem to be afflicted with SAD. Or whatever that Seasonal Mood Disorder is. I believe it started last May...
I have been looking online at the Verilux Happylites after dinner/ game night with John & Justin last Saturday. They had one on their counter and I found myself feeling quite tranquil whilst basking in its glow.
(this may have been a direct result of the wine)
I did take a picture of the light, I wonder if I could just stare at the picture and save myself the $80?
-Today at work, they catered in Portillo's. If you are not familiar, it's delicious and I could live on their chopped salad. I had a heaping pile of salad (not the chopped salad, sadly) mostly iceberg and carrot shreds. I am not usually a fan of these types of salad, however, they did provide their famous Portillo's House Dressing. I don't know what it's made of, definitly some kind of magic and lots of calories. The salad had an inordinate amount of red onions. My breath tastes offensive, I can only imagine what it smells like. Sorry, co-workers.
-This past week we had an actual blizzard! Not the one of epic proportions that I was secretly praying for, but one that snowed us in for a day. Snow Days as an adult are significantly less enjoyable. You spend your time worrying about "Will the roof cave in/ blow off from all the snow?" "Why didn't I buy more milk on Sunday?" "Who is going to shovel all this godforsaken snow?". Luckily our power stayed on, I wish I could say so much for Comcast who supplies both our TV & Internet (or as I like say 'Internet...wife, mother, secret lover' ) I was able maintain my sanity, but found that when the cable kicked back in intermittantly, The Shining was on.
Things I’m Digging: My friend Justin's grandmother, Pearl makes the most delicious pickles EVER. We devoured them on Saturday night and my new goal is to make my own homemade pickles.
Tosh.0 - I don't even know how to describe it for those who have never seen it. It's on Comedy Central, I highly recommend adding it to your DVR schedule.
*What I’m Working On – this is pretty self-explanatory, I will tell you what I am currently working on. This will include the pattern name and designer, and a link to my Ravelry project page.
*Finished Objects – I will talk about a noteworthy project I have completed, will also link to the Ravelry project page
Now that I have laid out the plan - I will post a real blog post! Stay tuned!