Sunday, July 20, 2008
Calling All Knitters!
I think I have finally resolved the issue of my patterned dish cloths being bunchy and crappy looking...sooooo...if there are any knitters out there interested in doing a test knit with me - let me know! I have done a pattern for a cloth with the Kanji symbol for family and am anxious to see it knit up.
I have decided to take a short break from sock knitting to wrap up my dish cloth frenzy that started in the winter, since a new light has been shed on it and I have a metric butt load of cotton yarn that really has no other purpose. I have almost completed a martini glass pattern in some lime cotton...I did find some other alco-beverage themed patterns, I think I may knit a series!
I uploaded some pics to can click on it to the right.
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Create Your Own Fiber Fest!
This morning, I drove to McHenry County College grounds, eagerly anticipating the days adventures while I fondled yarn at the 2nd Annual Midwest Fiber and Folk Art Festival.
I drove around and around...there sure weren't very many cars there...there were no tents.
The sign clearly stated all are welcome to this festival.
I drove around some more. There was no sign of fiber. None at all.
It finally dawned on me: The sign was clearly stated, Midwest Fiber and Folk Art Festival JULY 18, 19 & 20.
Do you know what today's date is? If you said July 12 - you're right!
So, I decided to have my own fiber festival.
I headed over to Prairie Arts & Fiber in Grayslake and self medicated my dumbness.
I made purchases! I got 2 sets of Addi turbo lace circulars (size 3) and the Cat Bordhi "Socks Soar On 2 Circular Needles" which I had also grossly misunderstood - I thought it was a way to make 2 socks at one time...again, I'm dumb...and terribly uncoordinated.
I got some nice Crystal Palace bamboo DPNs - in sock appropriate sizes 0, 1 & 1.5. I am a little worried that I will break them with my ginormous Incredible Hulk hands...hopefully they will hold up.
I got some point protectors to keep my needles from poking thru my purse or thru my flesh.
And what trip to the LYS would be complete without YARN???
I picked up 2 balls (did I just type that?? 'I picked up 2 balls' of Tofutsies (They have chitin in them! - go google it, I'll wait...) in a variegated blue (and a black/red/pink/white variegate.
I got one ball of Sockina Cotton in a pink/cream/taupe/salmon blend 80175 (why don't these yarns have names for their colorways??)
::sigh:: well, I am off to go start some "Monkeys"...wish me luck!
Thursday, July 10, 2008
I visited my stash the other night, and wished for the ability to make very beautiful, delicate knit things that are far beyond my skill level...le sigh, again.
On the upside, this weekend is the 2nd Annual Midwest Fiber and Folk Art Festival in Crystal Lake, IL...YAY!!! I have made a list of things I am interested in purchasing: a set of DPNS in small sizes for sock knitting and some sort of contraption to keep my DPNs from poking through my purse when I travel with my WIPs (which is always) there has to be something to prevent that, right? Or will I be reduced to using corks on the end of the DPNs? I would also like to purchase some sock blockers, and any indie dyed yarn that strikes my fancy.
*Also, it has been my observation that there are a lot of Jenny's in this world
that are diminuitive Asian women that are very crafty. I dropped the "y" back in high school, maybe that is where are the creativity is housed, in the forgotten "y"?
Well, this post is kind of a downer... my uretha is currently screaming in agony as I have a UTI, I apologize if it's disturbing you.
Sunday, July 6, 2008
HI! I missed you!

Yes, they are tiny baby socks.
(is it odd that I inadvertantly photographed my own feet?)
In retrospect, I should have started making socks in that size. They are very "instant gratification" and by the time you are bored of knitting in that yarn, they are done.
I have a new yarn obsession: Cascade Fixation.
It's my favorite fiber, cotton. It has lycra in it, too (or some sort of equivalent stretchy material)
They are low maintenance (y0u won't be schlepping these babies to the dry cleaner, or hand washing in the bathroom sink and hang drying!)
I just honestly love the shit out of that yarn. On an unrelated topic: It's SUMMER!!!
This is my dad, launching my nephew across the pool. Much fun was had by all : P
I cover myself liberally with SPF 4, which clearly is not the SPF I require.
I don't know why I am smiling in this picture, I won't be truly happy until I brown over in a day or so. On the upside, it makes me look "outdoorsy" which I am not. I did stay outside all day, playing in the pool and enjoying some frosty brews while playing a highly competitive game of bags with my HA!