Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Hi Kids!

I just wanted to babble about a recent yarn acquisition.

First of all, I have to say that The Loopy Ewe is an enabler!!
When you buy yarn, they send you little sample yarns! I had ordered my Lorna's Laces and in the box, I got a little card that had some Fiesta Boomerang.
So, I ordered it.
What did I get when that order came?
A card that had the Alchemy yarn on it.
I played it safe. I left it in the little baggie, for future fondling.

Kosta and I went to Milwaukee this last weekend to celebrate our 1 year anniversary and had an awesome time :)
We stopped at a yarn shop in Milwaukee and browsed, didn't find the Addi double point needles, or the circs on a 40" cable I was in the market for so, we decided to move on.
Stopped at Prairie Arts and Fibers to see what was new and found "Creatively Dyed Yarn" in the "crazy" colorway, so I snatched it up. 150 grams of sock yarn? Don't mind if I do!
Also picked up a set of Kollage square DPN's which are SO COOL!!! I was told to go up one size, I usually knit socks on size 1, and was instructed to pick up a size 2 - PERFECT.
I heart these needles.

I am finishing up a pair of fingerless mitts for my niece. I have about 2/3 left to knit of the 2nd mitt. Then I have my choice of which new yarn to start a pair of socks on: the Fiesta Boomerang in the Adirondack colorway, or the CDY Calypso in "crazy".

I will post pics of the yarn, and the mitts later.


Found a couple new podcasts that I am addicted to:
KIPing It Real ---> Jackie has a great voice and great format, and from what she has said, she kinda took the idea (with permission) from Meghan at...
Stitch It! ---> Meghan also has a great format and great content as well, and I am so excited about the fact there are a million podcasts and I am only on # 15! WEEEE!!!

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