Friday, August 8, 2008

Yarn! Why must you taunt me???

I love yarn.

Sometimes, I don't even want to knit it - I just want to admire it.
I got the word from my knitting group, it seems it's imperative that I knit the matches to my sock to form a "pair" - so, I have the daunting task of knitting pairs for socks I am tired of looking at. ::Sigh::

In other, completely unrelated news:
I was driving behind a truck today that had pictures of Polish food items, one of them was what appeared to be a bottle of soda with a picture of a loaf of bread on the label.
Really? Bread flavored soda?
I have been googling and trying to find a picture of this bread pop to share with you. So far, I've had no luck. I will keep looking.

UPDATE: It is not Bread Pop, its Kvas! Thank you to my darling boyfriend, Kosta, for clearing up this mystery for me.

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